Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Telesindo Shop - by SUMA PocketShop

A comfortable and completeness of service, without the people who are experts in the same field does not provide a solution to consumers. That's why Tiphone frontliner very selective about the employees who deal directly with consumers. Not just a smile is needed, but also an understanding of all the things faced by consumers. Both issues that are trivially related to cellular technology. They are very co-operative to be consulted open when consumers complained all the problems. Later, when you go home, be a relief and satisfaction guarantee.

Download Telesindo Pocketshop application instantly to your Android phone or tablet. :

For Further Information :
PT. Setia Utama Media Aplikasi (SUMA)
PT. SUMA App Market (SAM)
a Subsidiary Company of Telesindo - Tiphone Mobile Indonesia, Tbk
Gd. Telesindo 9th Floor, Jl. Gajah Mada No. 27, Jakarta Pusat 10160

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